Interface Ⅰ

” Interface I investigates the boundary between two interacting systems rendered into the physical. One system is a compound of motors, strings and elastic bands arranged horizontally. The two units face each other vertically (one on the top, one on the bottom). Each motor of one level (top, bottom) is connected to its opponent with a string, meeting in the center. Both motors pull their string in the opposite direction (like in a tug of war). At the junction of the strings, a mesh of elastic bands connects the string to its neighbours. The mesh couples each element to its surrounding elements in order to achieve a local emergent behaviour. In order to excite (stimulate) the system’s behaviour, each motor is feeded with random impulses of different pulling strength. Random signals are taken from a number of geiger mueller tubes used as an entropy source. The geiger-mller tubes pick up the natural ambient radiation of the earth. This noise acts as a catalyst that enables the systems to change. As the process begins the systems start to negotiate an interface/boundary surface (Grenzflche) between two separate organisations. The behaviour of this system is not programmed or choreographed, the shapes and behaviour develops due to the interactions of the many individual elements. Depending on the force distribution of the opposed motors, units move either upwards or downwards. At the same time the overall forces of the neighbouring elements influence this movement and vice versa. Interface investigates complex interactions of entities in some kind of encapsulated space. Complex and emergent behaviour appears at different scales and in different realms, ranging from biology, social science, computer science, anthropology to economics and politics . By taking away any references to something in the world, Interface allows manifold interpretations. The installation takes a closer look at the construction of digital images. Here the focus is on the relation of the almost infinite fast signals/switching operations in the materials of the machine and the stable/static/ordered appearing images on the outside. Interface removes the distinction between process and display (output) by making the display (the mesh or rubber bands) to the crucial part that defines the outcome of the process (behaviour).”

アート部門の読後感は濃厚。ポスト・ヒューマン時代の人間の倫理観的なところで、あれこれと妄想している中で。「心の仕組み」を書いたSteven Pinkerが、こんなことを言っていたのを思い出した。